When Is First Day Of Fall 2024?

When Is First Day Of Fall 2024?

Are you a fall enthusiast, eagerly awaiting the arrival of crisp air, vibrant foliage, and pumpkin spice everything? Or perhaps you’re a summer lover, dreading the end of warm days and outdoor adventures. No matter your preference, knowing when fall officially begins can help you plan your activities and savor the season to the fullest.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll determine the exact date of the first day of fall in 2024, explore the astronomical and meteorological definitions of fall, and uncover some fascinating facts and traditions associated with this enchanting season. So, grab a cozy blanket, a warm cup of cider, and let’s embark on a journey into the heart of fall.

Before we dive into the specific date, let’s first understand the different ways in which fall is defined.

When Is First Day Of Fall 2024

Fall officially arrives in 2024 on:

  • Exact Date: September 23, 2024
  • Season: Autumn
  • Duration: September 23 – December 21
  • Equinox: September 23 (equal day and night)
  • Hemisphere: Northern
  • Opposite Season: Spring

Enjoy the transition to cooler weather, vibrant foliage, and seasonal festivities!

Exact Date: September 23, 2024

The exact date of the first day of fall in 2024 is September 23, marking the official transition from summer to autumn in the Northern Hemisphere.

  • Autumnal Equinox:

    On this day, the Earth’s equator passes directly between the Sun and the North Pole, resulting in equal hours of daylight and darkness (12 hours each) everywhere on the planet. This astronomical event is known as the autumnal equinox.

  • Seasonal Change:

    With the autumnal equinox, the Earth’s tilt away from the Sun in the Northern Hemisphere becomes more pronounced, leading to shorter days and longer nights. This shift in seasons brings about a cascade of changes in nature, including cooler temperatures, colorful foliage, and the migration of birds.

  • Harvest Season:

    Fall is traditionally associated with the harvest season, as farmers reap the fruits of their labor from fields and orchards. This bounty of crops, such as pumpkins, apples, and corn, is celebrated in many cultures through festivals and Thanksgiving feasts.

  • Cultural Traditions:

    The arrival of fall inspires various cultural traditions and festivities worldwide. From pumpkin carving and hayrides in North America to Oktoberfest celebrations in Germany and moon-viewing gatherings in East Asia, fall is a time for communities to come together and embrace the beauty of the season.

As we approach September 23, 2024, let’s welcome the fall season with open arms, revel in its unique charm, and appreciate the beauty of nature’s transition.

Season: Autumn

Autumn, also known as fall, is one of the four temperate seasons that occur in each year. In the Northern Hemisphere, it begins with the autumnal ショーツequinox, which occurs around September 23, and ends with the winter solstice, which occurs around December 21. During this season, the days grow shorter, the nights grow longer, and the temperatures gradually decrease.

Autumn is a time of transition, as nature prepares for the colder months ahead. Trees shed their leaves, animals migrate to warmer climates, and plants go dormant. However, this season is also known for its beauty, with vibrant foliage, crisp air, and a sense of renewal.

Autumn is often associated with harvest festivals and traditions. In many cultures, this season is a time to celebrate the bounty of the earth and to prepare for the coming winter. Traditional autumn activities include apple picking, pumpkin carving, and hayrides.

Autumn is also a time for reflection and contemplation. The shorter days and cooler temperatures invite us to slow down and appreciate the simple things in life. It’s a time to reflect on the past year and to set intentions for the year ahead.

As we embrace the autumn season in 2024, let’s savor the beauty of nature’s transition, celebrate the harvest, and find joy in the simple pleasures that this season brings.

Duration: September 23 – December 21

In the Northern Hemisphere, autumn officially begins on the autumnal equinox, which occurs around September 23, and ends with the winter solstice, which occurs around December 21. This means that autumn 2024 will last for approximately 89 days, from September 23 to December 21.

The duration of autumn is determined by the Earth’s tilt on its axis and its orbit around the Sun. As the Earth orbits the Sun, different parts of the planet are tilted towards or away from the Sun, resulting in variations in daylight hours and temperatures.

During autumn, the Northern Hemisphere gradually tilts away from the Sun, causing the days to grow shorter and the nights to grow longer. This shift in the Earth’s tilt also leads to a decrease in temperatures, as the Sun’s rays strike the Earth at a lower angle.

The changing seasons, including autumn, are a reminder of the Earth’s dynamic relationship with the Sun and the importance of the Earth’s tilt in shaping our planet’s climate and weather patterns.

As we journey through autumn 2024, let’s embrace the beauty of the changing seasons, appreciate the shorter days and cooler temperatures, and find joy in the unique activities and traditions that this season brings.

Equinox: September 23 (equal day and night)

The autumnal equinox, which marks the first day of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, is a special astronomical event that occurs when the Sun crosses the celestial equator moving southward. During the autumnal equinox, day and night are of equal length all over the world, hence the term “equinox,” which comes from the Latin words “aequus” (equal) and “nox” (night).

On the autumnal equinox, the Sun rises due east and sets due west, and its path across the sky is directly overhead at noon. This alignment of the Earth, Sun, and celestial equator results in a balanced distribution of daylight and darkness.

The autumnal equinox is a significant event in many cultures and has been celebrated for centuries. In ancient Egypt, the equinox was associated with the god Amun-Re, who was believed to weigh the hearts of the dead during this time. In Japan, the autumnal equinox is known as “Shuubun” and is a national holiday that celebrates the beauty of the changing seasons.

The autumnal equinox is also a reminder of the Earth’s changing seasons and the interconnectedness of our planet with the Sun. As we experience the shorter days and cooler temperatures of autumn, let’s appreciate the beauty of this transition and reflect on the abundance and balance that the Earth provides.

As we approach the autumnal equinox on September 23, 2024, let’s embrace the equal balance of day and night and celebrate the arrival of autumn with gratitude and wonder.

Hemisphere: Northern

The Earth is divided into two hemispheres: the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. The equator, an imaginary line running around the Earth’s middle, separates the two hemispheres.

The Northern Hemisphere includes North America, Europe, Asia, and most of Africa. It is home to about 90% of the world’s population and contains many of the world’s largest cities, including London, Tokyo, New York City, and Beijing.

The autumnal equinox, which marks the first day of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, occurs on September 23, 2024. This means that the Northern Hemisphere will experience shorter days and cooler temperatures as the Earth tilts away from the Sun.

While autumn in the Northern Hemisphere is often associated with falling leaves, pumpkin spice lattes, and cozy sweaters, it’s important to remember that the seasons are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere. When it’s autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s spring in the Southern Hemisphere, and vice versa.

As we celebrate the arrival of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere in 2024, let’s appreciate the beauty and wonder of the changing seasons and embrace the unique traditions and activities that this time of year brings.

Opposite Season: Spring

In the Northern Hemisphere, autumn is the opposite season to spring. While autumn is a time of transition from summer to winter, spring is a time of transition from winter to summer.

  • Temperature:

    Autumn is characterized by cooler temperatures as the Earth tilts away from the Sun. Spring, on the other hand, is characterized by warmer temperatures as the Earth tilts towards the Sun.

  • Daylight Hours:

    In autumn, the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer. In spring, the opposite occurs: the days grow longer and the nights grow shorter.

  • Plant Life:

    In autumn, trees shed their leaves and plants go dormant in preparation for the winter. In spring, plants come back to life, flowers bloom, and new growth emerges.

  • Animal Life:

    In autumn, many animals migrate to warmer climates or prepare for hibernation. In spring, animals return to their breeding grounds and give birth to new offspring.

The changing seasons, including autumn and spring, are a reminder of the Earth’s dynamic relationship with the Sun and the importance of the Earth’s tilt in shaping our planet’s climate and weather patterns.


Have questions about the arrival of autumn in 2024? Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you navigate the season.

Question 1: When exactly does autumn begin in 2024?
Answer: Autumn officially begins on Monday, September 23, 2024, with the autumnal equinox.

Question 2: How long does autumn last in 2024?
Answer: Autumn 2024 will last for 89 days, ending on Sunday, December 21, 2024, with the winter solstice.

Question 3: What are some key astronomical events during autumn 2024?
Answer: The autumnal equinox on September 23 marks equal day and night. Additionally, a partial solar eclipse will occur on October 23, visible in parts of North America and Europe.

Question 4: What are some fun activities to enjoy during autumn 2024?
Answer: Autumn is a great time for outdoor activities like apple picking, pumpkin carving, and hayrides. You can also enjoy cozy indoor activities like baking apple pies or reading a good book by the fireplace.

Question 5: What are some unique traditions or festivals associated with autumn 2024?
Answer: Autumn is celebrated worldwide with various traditions and festivals. In the United States, Thanksgiving is a major holiday that falls on the fourth Thursday of November. In Germany, Oktoberfest is a popular beer festival held in Munich.

Question 6: How can I make the most of autumn 2024?
Answer: Embrace the beauty of the changing seasons by taking walks in nature, enjoying outdoor activities, and savoring the flavors of autumn, such as pumpkin spice and apple cider.

As we look forward to autumn 2024, let’s appreciate the beauty and bounty that this season brings, and make the most of the shorter days and cooler temperatures.

Tips for Enjoying Autumn 2024:

  • Plan a fall foliage road trip to witness the vibrant colors of nature.
  • Visit a local pumpkin patch or apple orchard for some autumnal fun.
  • Host a bonfire night with friends and family, complete with roasted marshmallows and storytelling.
  • Take advantage of the cooler weather for outdoor activities like hiking, biking, or camping.
  • Decorate your home with autumn-themed elements like pumpkins, leaves, and candles.


Looking for ways to make the most of autumn 2024? Here are four practical tips to help you embrace the season and create lasting memories:

Tip 1: Plan an Autumn Getaway:

Take advantage of the beautiful fall foliage and plan a road trip to a nearby scenic destination. Pack a picnic lunch, enjoy the vibrant colors of nature, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Tip 2: Host an Autumn-Themed Gathering:

Invite friends and family for a cozy autumn gathering. Decorate your home with fall elements, prepare a delicious meal featuring seasonal ingredients, and enjoy each other’s company in the warm ambiance.

Tip 3: Explore Local Fall Festivals and Events:

Many communities host fall festivals, pumpkin patches, and other seasonal events. Check local listings and participate in these activities to experience the unique charm of autumn in your area.

Tip 4: Capture the Beauty of Autumn:

Whether you’re a photography enthusiast or simply love capturing special moments, take time to document the beauty of autumn. Go for nature walks, snap photos of the colorful leaves, and create a scrapbook or photo album to preserve these memories.

As autumn 2024 approaches, embrace the changing seasons and find joy in the simple pleasures that this time of year brings. Whether you’re enjoying the outdoors, spending time with loved ones, or simply savoring the flavors of the season, make the most of this beautiful time of year.

As we eagerly await the arrival of autumn in 2024, let’s embrace the beauty of the changing seasons, celebrate the harvest, and find joy in the simple pleasures that this season brings.


As we eagerly await the arrival of autumn in 2024, let’s reflect on the main points discussed in this comprehensive guide:

The exact date of the first day of fall in 2024 is Monday, September 23, marking the official transition from summer to autumn in the Northern Hemisphere.

Autumn, also known as fall, is a season of change, beauty, and harvest, characterized by shorter days, cooler temperatures, and vibrant foliage.

The duration of autumn in 2024 will be approximately 89 days, beginning on September 23 and ending on December 21 with the winter solstice.

The autumnal equinox on September 23, 2024, signifies equal day and night all over the world, a celestial event that marks the official start of autumn.

The Northern Hemisphere experiences autumn while the Southern Hemisphere experiences spring during the same period, showcasing the Earth’s dynamic relationship with the Sun.

Autumn is a time to celebrate the harvest, enjoy seasonal activities like apple picking and pumpkin carving, and embrace the beauty of nature’s transition.

To make the most of autumn 2024, consider planning an autumn getaway, hosting an autumn-themed gathering, exploring local fall festivals, and capturing the beauty of the season through photography.

As autumn 2024 approaches, let’s welcome the changing seasons with open arms, celebrate the bounty of nature, and find joy in the simple pleasures that this enchanting time of year brings. Embrace the beauty of the falling leaves, the crisp autumn air, and the warmth of cozy gatherings. Happy autumn 2024!

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